why Red Hood Elvira is the bestest character in the entire mobile (and not only!) game franchise

First off, i would like to start where the Red Hood herself originated. She is a rare hero in the game Guardian tales, a mobile game that you should totally play and i would be very happy if you did. But the main topic is explaining Elvira, so let's move there.
You can obtain Red Hood Elvira in World 1-4 Forest Border, as she is a reward of completion of sub-quest Red Hood. Two sub-stages after World 1-4 Forest Border, you have to battle against her (unfortunately, this does not show off her true power). Upon her defeat she asks you to join Your party, which You M U S T accept it. There is no other way she will join Your party (aside from summons, but rare hero summons are lame).
Now, why is she so godly, you ask? You can notice it the first moment you look at her illustration. If you can't, then I don't know what kind of ungodly creature you are. Her sapphire blue eyes, her elf-ears, her perfect posture, her soft skin... Even something as simple as an apple on her head makes me shutter when I see her. Oh my god, I'm writing this and I literally cannot stop thinking about her perfectness now. HOLY SHIT, JUST LOOK AT HER YOURSELF. I literally can't understand anybody who does think that there is anything better than Red Hood Elvira. If you dare disagree with me, fuck you.